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By July 13, 2013No Comments

The detached garage serves as car protector, garden shed and storage for Christmas decorations and the left over remains from construction. I have boxes of tile and two boxes of flooring in the event there is a need for replacements. I also have asphalt roof shingles and paint. I wrote down the names of all the paint shades and cut the custom mix formulas off the cans and set the cans for disposal. I then moved 1x8x10 boards into the rafters of the garage and relocated the tiles and flooring. It was elevated off the ground and at no risk of getting wet but I want to maximize the floor space for the gardening and yard equipment. I hope to purchase my own mower by Christmas and it will rival my sports car for floor space.

Rafters serve as elevated storage

Rafters serve as elevated storage

Tile stored over head and the plank boards labeled

Tile stored over head and the plank boards labeled

Under side labels

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